My day 2 of no caffeine and first caffeine-free lifting in years

In process of cutting out coffee / caffeine.

I work out first thing in morning and would always do a cup of coffee (or previously matcha) 30-45 minutes before working out. I then did another cup at start of work day and maybe a third on certain days.

Yesterday went cold turkey and took day off from lifting. Sluggish all day and a bit of tough stretch in the afternoon with some head pressure but wasn't as bad as feared.

This morning was 48 hours with no caffeine and my first day weightlifting without caffeine in years.

My results from my 3x8 chest routine compared to my previous workout

2 less reps on last set of bench press
1 less rep on middle set of incline DB press
surpassed weight for weighted step-ups
surpassed weight for weighted dips
same on lunges
same on cable flys

Overall, I'm happy with the outcome. I thought I would miss numerous reps vs last week for every exercise and generally struggle through the entire workout.

I think today being day 2 (48 hours) without caffeine made it easier than having it day 1.

My 5 minute elliptical warm-up felt harder than usual.

But the actual workout didn't feel dramatically different. I actually thought my mind / muscle connection felt a little better.

My heart rate (not actually monitored) seemed no different and I still sweat profusely.

Workout took maybe 5 minutes longer. I was maybe a little more tired near the end of the workout, but very minor.

from Forums - Nutrition

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