Struggling with nutrient timing for peak performance now that I've hit goal weight

I lost 50 pounds and am at a weight and body composition that I am happy with. 6'2" 170 pounds and 30" waist.

But now that I am dialing up the intensity of my workouts, running 50 miles a week, have limited fat stores, etc. I am really struggling with how to time my meals so I don't feel dizzy or low energy afternoon until the night and then bad performance on cardio days in the morning.

I workout at 5am everday. Lift weights 3x a week and run 4x a week. Some days I run for 60 minutes, other days for up to 150 minutes now that I am in shape and rediscovered my love for running. Full body weight lifting workouts last about 90 minutes.

During my weight loss journey, I would eat a 1,000 calorie breakfast pre-workout on weight lifting days or post-workout on cardio/running days. I would eat the remainder of my calories after exercise and stop eating anywhere from 12pm to 3pm in the afternoon.

But I'm finding that I cannot do that anymore. There is no way I can stop eating at 2pm and then run for 16 miles/2 and a half hours a 5am the next morning.

How should I be eating? Should I be having a heavy dinner the night before going to sleep?

This is freaking me out. I log all my calories and macros. I'm scared because sometimes when I have an extreme dip in energy now I compensate by eating more than the amount of calories I estimate I need to maintain my weight/stay in a slight 250 calorie deficit in the late afternoon or at night and try to make it up for the next day by doing more exercise or eating less; then before I know it I am in a viscous loop/cycle of underating/over-exercising and binge eating over the daily allotment then continuing the viscious cycle trying to stay calorie neutral for the week.

from Forums - Nutrition


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