Pre-Post WO Whey Protein Shakes - What do the studies say?

Hi all,

Now..I realise there must be like 1000x threads similar to this. Just keen to hear any more thoughts. I've done some quick research, mostly on the web site and there seems to be many studies suggesting that Whey Protein Supplementation IS in fact beneficial.

I read all the time from people on this forum that it's just your total protein in take for the day that matters. But this - for example, says the opposite. In that timing is really important.

In the last few months I stopped taking protein shakes, as my daily intake was about 0.7 - 0.8 g/lb easily just though food. And protein powder can be expensive. It's REALLY hard to tell if there's any difference for me in terms of taking Protein powder or not, so I'm just guessing and going off others advice and what I read. Anyway, I'm thinking I'm going to start taking Whey protein again, as I'm finding it hard to increase many of my lifts despite my body weight going up steadily. I have no idea if it will do anything. (I'm on F5 intermediate btw)

One thing I noticed, or maybe I imagined it, was once I stopped taking Whey, I felt much more sore the next day after legs, and generally more tired, as though my body isn't recovering as well.

Is there any scenario where even if you are getting say 0.7-0.8g/lb through food. That your diet just can't quite make it all "Complete" and so Protein Powder ensures that you're getting all the right aminos etc. OR for the studies that claim you only need 0.7g/lb of protein, maybe they are done in a way where the participants have a perfect diet and the protein they get is of really high quality. SO, when normal people come along and just eat day to day food, some high quality protein powder actually does help them massively? I dunno...just a theory

Just kinda rambling now. Keen for anyone to jump in...

from Forums - Nutrition

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