How much Protein / Carbs / Fats can you consume in a single meal for bulking purposes

Sorry if this has been asked before,

i'm just curious on this one, i keep hearing from friends that you need to eat 5 smaller meals per day 40p/60c sorta ratio to hit your macros. these friends are all big guys, have been doing it for 5+ years

But can it be done in larger meals but only 3 times a day? like whats the limit on your bodys consumption per meal thats actually used for muscle building.

i have a hard time eating chicken and rice 5 meals a day, can easily do it over 2 of them though, i dont get sick of eating the same thing day in day out fast, i've always been able to consume big meals with ease also.

So which is the right answer overall, is the 5+ smaller meals a day the only possible route or can i make much larger meals and still reap the benefits?

the thing that makes me question this is the guys like jay cutler and other famous body builders, yes steroids are at play, but they seem to eat like 80-100g of protein and 150g+ carbs per meal. if these guys are eating that much in one meal, surely they have some knowledge behind it right?

Anyways, look forward to your responses, many thanks in advance.

from Forums - Nutrition


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