Should I cut or not?

Hey, just looking for a bit of advice. I'm a big noob when it comes to all this so unsure, been scouring the internet for info but I just seem to keep running into contradictory info constantly, which isn't really helpful. Just wondering whether people think I should cut first? I'd assume so. I'm 5'9, 175lbs, ~25% BF. Got a decent belly going on, a bit of flab around my face/neck, average build, my legs are fairly strong but I do walk a fair bit most days and used to play football (or soccer, depending on where you are in the world) a lot until my early 20s, my arms are fairly skinny though, and my chest is not impressive in any way shape or form (as my brother would say, I have a pigeon chest lol). Essentially, I don't have that much muscle lurking beneath the fat, with the possible exception of my legs. So my concern is that if I do cut, I'm pretty much just going to look super skinny again and look like my 18 year old self, which isn't exactly anything to be aiming for, but at the same time, I really don't wanna be packing on any more weight and looking like I should be next in line to play Jabba the Hutt. Currently the gyms are closed where I am until the 12th April, so I'm running a ~500 calorie deficit (eating a healthy diet) and just been doing cardio (walks/runs) and whatever I can at home (push ups, bodyweight squats, sit ups/crunches etc), I've lost about 8lbs the past 7 weeks so far. If anyone can point me in the right direction, it'd be much appreciated :)

from Forums - Nutrition

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