Growing up with media messages from movies like Super Size Me, I've always taken it for granted that fast food was a key player in the obesity epidemic. However, I recently found myself wondering whether such a link has ever actually been solidly established. I came across this review: It seems that the fast food environment has little effect on the prevalence of obesity. Socioeconomic-status, on the other hand, is highly correlated with higher "junk food" intake and obesity. Does anyone have any further info about this relationship or why SES plays such a major role in food choices? I understand the argument that poorer people can't just all go to Whole Foods and they have less resources to put into worrying about their diet, but I don't think this entirely explains it. I also find myself wondering why companies like McDonald's aren't trying to make this common knowledge. They aren't necessarily as contributory to the obesity epidemic as things like say, sugary sodas, which do have a clear causal impact on obesity rates.
from Forums - Nutrition
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