How can I adjust my macro intake smoothy when gaining muscle?


If you're taking a track everything approach, how would one go about smoothly increasing protein, fat and carb intake with increase of body weight?

If your goal is say gaining 2lb of muscle per month (lean bulk) and you're consuming a surplus of 285c and your macros are:

Protein: 1g per pound of body weight
Fats: 0.5g per pound of body weight.
Carbs: filling remainder of calories.

would it be best to recalculate my macro intake every 2 weeks I gain 1lb of muscle? OR... Just add 200 to 285 calories every 2 weeks if there is no progress in weight gain and adjust accordingly.

If you have a different method please share! I'm taking this approach to really make sure I'm in the ballpark.

I found this helpful:

from Forums - Nutrition


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