Is it safe to gain weight before joining the gym?

Hi all,

Apologies if I mess this up and post in the wrong place, this is all new to me.

Ok, so, I'm 33, 6'1", about 145 and have been 'skinny' all my life and I hate it, it's awful. The usual tirade of 'I've tried' and 'why can't I' have happened in the past where I will blame anything and everything for me not being able to gain weight where all it really boils down to is I'm just not eating enough. I've tried a whole host of shakes, concoctions and god knows what else in my life in a bid to cheat the system and gain weight but unsurprisingly nothing ever worked and I have hovered around the 143 pound mark most of my life.

The time has come to go to the start and change my diet totally, eat eat and then eat some more. I'm about a week in now of eating and I'm finding it hard going (I'm midway through trying to eat some boiled chicken, veg, wholegrain rice and sweet potato mash) but overall things seem to be going in the right direction, I have gained about 5 pounds this week but I'm not taking that as solid proof of things going 100% right and to let my guard down. As with most ectomorphs the eating is the problem and I want to get as big as I possibly can but am now of the correct mindset that this is going to take time and there is no easy, healthy way of doing it quickly.

So my question to you all is;

The UK is heading for another national lockdown unsurprisingly and that'll mean that gyms will close. I haven't signed up for a membership yet for this very reason, but would you deem it safe to be adding more and more weight without working out or will this negatively affect me in anyway?

I've got an irrational fear of the gym, I know from some googling that when I'm there I need to lift big and heavy and not to waste time or energy doing stupid things like cardio. But in order to do that I need to use the free weights area to get the most out of my workout. I'm kinda hoping a bit of extra body weight will actually help in a way as I won't be that horrible string bean looking thing not having a clue what they are doing... I'll probably get a PT for a few sessions just to help introduce me to the area and that'll hopefully help, I have no friends that are interested in going to the gym with me (wait... for that I would need friends, surely!?) so that option isn't there for me.

So yeah, this is kinda the start of (another) journey but hoping that starting from the bottom and nailing nutritional goals will be the hardest part. I hate eating, I have a very unhealthy relationship with food and I'm determined to change that and as long as I see that weight going up I will be happier and happier, even if it is just bodyweight for the time being. I'm also thinking that I'm not asking myself too much by eating all the time AND start working out, where I'm going to be staggering the start dates it'll help transition myself into working out effectively.

from Forums - Nutrition

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