[WTA] Should i be worried?

Hi guys,

Its me again. It has been 2 month straight since i try to bulk with calorie surplus at about 200-300 cal.

I calculate somewhere on website state that my TDEE is about 1800-1900. So i just increase merely 200-300 cal and been hitting about 2200-2400 calorie perday.

My marco, for protein is about +- 120gm which i follow 0.8gm per lbs bodyweight. Carb and fat i did not count.

25/6/2020 my weight is 126lb, 25/7/2020 is 132lb, 25/8/2020 is 136lb. Im 5'7" tall.

Currenly been doing Viking's fullbody workout.

My diet mostly like below

Coffee, Chocolate Bread (like twinkie or something) / Peanut Butter + Bread / Fried Rice / Eggs

White Rice 1cup, 200-150gm chicken breast, vege

Snack 1
Milk, Bread

White Rice 2cup, 150gm chicken breast, vege, egg

Snack 2
2-3 Scramble egg, Beef patty

Snack 3
White Rice

Protein Shake, Chocolate Bread / Peanut Butter + Bread

My concern is, my stomach is getting bigger. Lol. Previously im a fairly skinny and lean guy. Why the fat did not spread evenly?

I don't mind if the fat at my arm shoulder or the rest of the body. But now mostly they will focus at the stomach.

Is this normal while bulking? Or i should do something in my diet?

Thanks all.

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/3gvIbUK


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