The Best 12 Foods for Diet & Those Who Want to Shrink Waistlines

The Best 12 Foods for Diet & Those Who Want to Shrink Waistlines

Are you looking to lose weight and reduce your waistline? Exercise is not enough. You have to keep a healthy diet. For those of you who are serious about becoming thinner, consume 12 foods for this best diet:

1. Avocado

food for the diet - avocado

You must consume avocado if you want to lose weight. The taste of avocado is very delicious, there is no need to doubt. But not only because of its deliciousness that makes avocado a mandatory food when dieting, but also because this fruit is very healthy. A lot of fiber and healthy fats are contained in avocados.

Also read: Healthy Diet by Adjusting Portions and Measures between Vegetables and Protein

2. Salmon

food for the diet - salmon

Everything that is good is in salmon, for example, protein, healthy fats and omega 3. Salmon is known to play an important role in reducing obesity, so it is very suitable for consumption by people who are on a diet program.

3. Tuna

food for the diet - tuna

Tuna doesn't have a lot of fat, which is one of the reasons it is considered a healthy food. In addition, tuna is also rich in protein. Those who maintain the body and want perfect body shape usually include tuna in their food list. You who are on a diet are also highly recommended to eat tuna.

4. Potatoes boiled

food for the diet - boiled potatoes

Boiled potatoes contain many important nutrients. Potatoes have a fairly high amount of potassium, which is rarely found in other foods. Potatoes are perfect for dieting as a substitute for rice.

5. Various vegetables

food for the diet - vegetables

Vegetables are well known for their good and healthy benefits. So, eat lots of vegetables, especially green ones. Vegetables are rich in fiber and low in calories and carbohydrates. Vegetables are one of the best foods for a diet.

6. Eggs

food for the diet - eggs

Eggs are high in protein and healthy fats, which are great for consumption if you are trying to lose weight. Eggs are not high in calories, but they can keep you full longer.

Also read: Want to Know a Healthy and Balanced Diet for Women? Follow These Rules!

7. Nuts

food for diet - nuts

Nuts do contain high calories, but if eaten in moderation they are very healthy for the body. Nuts contain balanced protein, fiber and healthy fats. Nuts are food for the diet.

8. Wheat-rich products

food for the diet - the basic ingredients of wheat

Foods that are rich in whole grains, such as oats, whole wheat bread and quinoa, are perfect for eating when you are on a diet. Wheat-rich foods generally have a decent amount of fiber and protein.

9. Fruits other than avocado

food for the diet - fruits

Even though fruit contains sugar, the fiber in fruit helps prevent sugar from being released too quickly into the bloodstream. Fruits also contain many vitamins that are needed by the body.

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10. Chili

food for the diet - chilies

According to research, chilies can reduce hunger and burn fat faster. How many chilies should you eat each day? One gram is enough.

11. Yogurt

food for diet - yogurt

Dairy product that must be included in the food list for the diet is yogurt. Yogurt contains probiotic bacteria to improve bowel function. It is better to eat normal yogurt than low-fat yogurt because it is low-fat yogurt which contains a lot of sugar.

12. Chicken breast

food for the diet - chicken breast

If you are a chicken lover and can't live without chicken, you should eat chicken breast instead of chicken thigh if you want your waist circumference to be smaller. Even though it doesn't taste as good as thighs, chicken breasts are healthier than chicken thighs.

from Forums - Nutrition

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