Food/Diet and Inflammation

It occurred to me recently that, despite all the media and fitness/diet industry discussion on the topic of inflammation and food, I have zero experience with this.

I cannot think of a single time in my life where I 'felt inflamed' in any way from food other than gas/bloating... which had some kind of pretty obvious cause.

And yet, I see/hear people online and in person claim that things like dairy, grains, veggies, etc, make them 'FEEL' inflamed... in their joints, muscles, tendons, whatever you can think of.

I'm just wondering... what the heck does that manifest as? The only non-gas/bloating kind of inflammation I have ever felt (not even from diet) is when I have an acute injury... but I've never really FELT a join be inflamed, and definitely not from food.

Sometimes it really seems like people lump inflammation together with things like acidity/pH in the body, or some visceral, intuitive sense of 'toxicity' which they automatically connect purely to diet.

Any input on this would be cool to hear... the idea is just so foreign to me. If I eat things my body doesn't agree with, worst case scenario is I get bloated, or nauseous, or something very specific to my gut only.

from Forums - Nutrition


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