Advice for weight loss nutrition??

Hello! First of all, I wasn't sure if I was supposed to post on this thread or the fat loss thread. But since I'm asking strictly about nutrition, I figured this one should be fine.

I currently weigh 365lbs, with a goal weight of 199lbs by June 2022, and I've been on my weight loss journey for about 3 weeks. I'm down about 15lbs so far; I realize that's losing weight too quickly, this is because when I first started I made the mistake like so many other people of crash dieting, trying to stay under 1000 calories a day. About a week into my journey I realized how unsustainable and unhealthy this method is, so I created a new diet plan based on a bit of research online about calorie and macro intake.

I would really appreciate any feedback or advice from anyone regarding this example day based on an average combination of foods from my shopping list. Please keep in mind, there are more items in my diet plan that what is included in this example day, so the total calories and macros may differ slightly from day to day. But the following list is a good example of a combination of foods that I might eat in a typical day:

7AM - protein shake

9AM - Omelette with egg whites, turkey sausage/turkey bacon, cheese, spinach and tomatoes

11AM - broccoli with hummus and an apple

1PM - skinless chicken breast, brown rice, vegetables

4PM - greek yogurt with blueberries and a banana

6PM - salmon, quinoa, vegitables

total calories - 1840, total protein - 164g, total carbs - 177g, total fat - 37g

I also make sure to drink a glass of chilled, unsweetened green tea with breakfast, and at least 1 gallon of water a day. And I take a men's multi-vitamin with my morning protein shake. (any other supplements I should look into for health? fish oil?)

If I have a craving or a sweet tooth, I will have 1 or 2 dark chocolate covered cranberries to take the edge off

I am very new to this whole experience. 4 weeks ago I was drinking from 1 pint to a 5th of whiskey a day and my diet consisted of nothing but fast food and delivery! I am feeling so much better now and I'm excited about this journey!

from Forums - Nutrition


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