Is quinoa as main carb ok ?

Hey, question. I guess it wont be a problem, but still, better to ask, since today is many foods avaible, that are not that safe to eat in high amounts/daily so i like to ask first. I live active lifestyle, doing sports, workouts etc. so i need plenty of carbs, but i never looked that much into that and basically my main carb sources are oats and white rice (ofc, dairy,fruits,vegs etc. but those 2 are main). Oats are fine, i dont plan to change it, but i want change rice, at least for some time, because im literally stuffed of it. I looked on internet and found quinoa. I never ate quinoa that much, but i like the taste, but mainly its lot more benefical than white rice -> more vitamins and minerals/fiber/protein, its awesome.

So in nutshell, my question is, is it safe to eat like 200-300g of quinoa daily, or is it too much and there is "something" in quinoa that makes it better to eat in moderation ? Thanks (sorry, if question sounds stupid, but i ate daily cooked liver with rice in high amounts daily and ye, then i found out that its not the best option)

from Forums - Nutrition

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