Confused about how to weigh your chicken/the nutritional value

Hey guys. I'm in the process of cutting down and I'm confused af when it comes to weighing your chicken and finding out the nutritional value. My preferred cut is a chicken breast (I buy a whole week's worth everytime I visit the grocery store) and I need at least 60g of protein everyday from it to fit my macros. Do you guys weigh the chicken before cooking it or after? I'm using an air fryer and after I cook it the weight decreases by a lot so do I calculate the protein based off the ounces/grams that I measure it before or after?

Also what metric do you guys use to measure each ounce/gram? I keep hearing a 3.5 ounce (100 gram) chicken breast is equal to 30 grams of protein but my chicken breast that I buy raw has a 3.0 ounce weight at 24g of protein which when calculated doesn't make any sense. Today I weighed my chicken (after cooking) to exactly 7 ounces which would equate to 60 grams of protein based on some measurements I made but some online online articles states it's only 40 grams. Would really like this cleared up

Looking forward to any insight, thanks guys.

from Forums - Nutrition


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