Is it worth doing

Ok so ive spent a year and a half getting from 360 pounds to 207. im 6ft i think im arround 17% body fat i started eating 1800 cals for mostt of it with weight training then from 220 to 207 i was eating 1500 with the occatinal cheat day witch would slow me down a bit but they were needed XD i been whight training all threw my whight loss to help with lose skin etc ive put on a little bit of muscle but not much obviously from being in such a huge deficet my question is ive wanted to get down to 190 before i started a lean bulk to 210 as my goal was never to be the leanest just to have muscle and be healthy im thinking of going on a 900cal diet for a week to get down to my desired weight i know its not sustainable im thinking after the diet staying on maintenance cals for about a month so my metabolism will catch up and i wont gain allot when i go to a lean bulk but im worried about loseing what muscle i put on as i worked out 6 days a week to get it reason why im in such a rush is i hear this thing about newbie gains gaining 20 pounds in the first year 10 pounds in the other i dont want to waste it in a deficit if it works like that XD lmao im currently on a push pull legs split will i lose allot of muscle (noticble muscle) doing this. my famliy thinks i should start bulking up now as im looking quite skinny i think i have about 10 pounds of lose skin idk.................... long story short question iss will i lose allot of muscle (noticble muscle) doing a 900 cal diet for a week

from Forums - Nutrition


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