Should you eat - as soon as you wake up??

should you aim to eat 30grams of protein when you wake up first thing in the morning?

l have read somewhere that (assuming muscle growth is your goal) eating strategically throughout the day is important.. just like hitting your overall MACROS. a book I read said try to eat/drink slow digesting protein about half an hour before.. in the form of a smallish snack.
but also crucially the author was a proponent of getting some food in within 30 minutes (tops) of waking up. a meal with 30-40 grams of protein!! his argument was that as soon as you wake up your body is in a CATABOLIC state as a result of not having eat for 8 hours (or so). you need to eat to get back into a anabolic state as quickly as you can.

is this true??
what is your individual philosophy on this.

from Forums - Nutrition


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