How to deal with hunger headaches?

Im so used to eating junk food in excess that now that when I eat less I get headaches. (The same type of headache you would get when you skip breakfast, lunch, etc or wait too long for the first meal).

I eat a good 2300 calories from good food, high in protein, but during this pandemic I've been eating lots of EXTRA chips and ice cream which probably total to 3500-4500 calories per day.

Decided to eat just the good and skip the ice cream but man it sucks ass.

- Chicken breast (150)(20g)
- Almond milk (225)(15g)

- Steak and rice (650)(50g)
- Protein shake (240)(40g)

- Two yougurts with almond (450)(30g) (one serving of almonds, literally 12 almonds is 200 calories)

- 4 eggs with a potato (280)(28g)
- Beans (250)(5g)

188g protein and 2300 calories

To me this is barely any food and its already 2300 calories smh.

Im 250lbs at the moment

Im good until after my snack when i get this extreme hunger at the end of the day. Not sure wtf to eat. i like tuna and its filling but I need at least 2oz to feel anything and I dont want to get mercury poisoning. I would swap the chicken to dinner but I hate chicken, its groce and for breakfast Im not hungry at all thats why its easy to eat a small amount.

Any tips?

from Forums - Nutrition

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