Best Type of Protein After Fasted A.M Lifting?

Hi All,

Ive been a part of the 4:30 A.M. crew for a couple months now, as it is the only time that I can fit lifting in with School and life. I can never stomach anything before I workout so I always lift Fasted. I know its not great for me but Ive come to like it. Afterwords I take a super quick shower and have a protein shake+carbs before I go off to school. I don't have an opportunity to eat anything else until about 11 am so my PWO is a full meal for me.

My question is: What type of protein powder (Isolate, concentrate or Whey+Casein Blend) should I take after my workout? Should I go with a purely fast acting protein or a Blend since it is a meal?


from Forums - Nutrition

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