Why do i gain fat back so quick on a bulk?

43/m.6’ 180. Im regretting ever starting tracking calories. I was biggest and strongest when i just ate a ton and lifted heavy. Ive done 3 bulk and cut cycles now and look exactly the same as i did the first one. As soon as i start increasing calories by the tiniest amount my waist starts increasing. My last cut i ended at 1900 cals per day. I slowly increased to 2200 then months later 2400 and ive been eating 2600-2700 and basically just piled all the fat right back on my stomach. Are my hormones or metabolism just damaged or something? My lifts are basically stuck also ive not been able to increase my numbers much at all. Has anyone had this problem with bulking and cutting? How can i get out of this cycle? I used to weigh 210 lbs and was strong as he!!, i cut down to 165 then id bulk thinking i could get to 190-195 but by the time i get to 182-185 its time to cut again cuz i just gained back the fat.

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/Go3l8q9


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