Can I go up to 2000 mg calcium

Hello: Ocassionally at work I do some heavy lifting -- construction-- homebuilding

I also got my Squat o about 140 lbs x 8 --on 2nd set (1st 110lbs x8)
bench to 150 lbs x 8 --on second set (1st 110 lbs x 8)
deadlift 65 lbs x 6 max -- on first attempt a t this (prior 45lbs x 8, 55 lbs x8)

Also doing Lat pull down, back pulley, tricep --- due to limited time in gym etc.

I am asking supplemental -- I also eat 3-4 pizzas a week (medium size).
I'm aware 1000 mg is full daily req.

from Forums - Nutrition


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