Healthy body weight question

Hey Folks

Bit of background first. Age 33, weight 225, heigh 6'1. Training on/off for 5+ years. Some recent lifts: press 5x165, bench 5x250, HB squat 5x350. I started at a body weight of 170, my heaviest was 257. Diet is good, eat only whole foods and about 30-50g of protein per meal. My current bodyweight of 225 seems to be my natural state at the moment. Waist is 36 inches and on a good day i can see a 4 pack, im not "shredderd", but within the healthy weight range...i like being a little chunky. Here is my question, how much body weight do you think I can add before I enter the "unhealthy" range?

from Forums - Nutrition


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