Is my D3/zinc/mag intake safe ?

Hello, i have a question. I want to ask, if my intake of D3, Zinc(bisglycinate) and Magnesium(citrate) is safe, or its too much and it an cause health problems. Basically im normal active person, fullbody 3-4x per week, 3x per week cardio, pretty active through the day. The thing is, i never supplemented them before, i just always had multivitamin as supplementation, but now i got some free Zinc,magnesium and D3 as a gift from e-shop where i buy protein, food etc. so i want to know if i can use them, or not.

My intake daily from supplements:

Zinc = 15mg from multivitamin + 15mg alone = 30 mg of zinc daily (just from supplements)
Magnesium = 100mg from multivitamin + 200mg alone = 300mg of magnesium daily from supps
D3 = 1000 UI from multivitamin + 2000 UI alone = 3000 UI just from supps

So again, my question is, if those daily doses are safe, or not. Even if its unnecessary, it was free, so i just want to know if this amount daily is "dangerous" or i can use them like that. Thanks.

from Forums - Nutrition


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