My plan until summer 2022

Hello! I have decided that I wanna do my first bodybuilding competition in the summer of 2022, at INBA, Bucharest, Romania, and wanna make the best of my time.

Current stats:
- 165 cm (5'5")
- 72 kg (159 lbs)
- 18-19% BF (possibly 20, i dunno)
- been lifting since July 2019 (with a 3 months break because of the pandemic), natural
- 2850 cals daily (for the past 6 weeks)

My weight fluctuation over the past 6 weeks, in kgs, measured at the same time, in the morning:

My current physique:

My current plan is to:

- Do a very slow bulk, gaining 0.8 kgs pet month, up my cals by 150, to 300, since I'm maintaining my weight right now, until the end of 2021, to end up at about 80 kgs
- Start my prep at the begining of 2022 until summer (show expected to be mid-june) and cut down to around 65 kgs (I dunno exactly the weight limits, but it's gonna be somewhere around that. So I would have at least 22 - 23 weeks to cut. So I'll cut around 0.7 kgs a week.

I also did a very aggressive cut until the end of 2020 (dropped from 93kgs to 72kgs in 4 months). Thats why I dont really wanna cut right now, since I pulled my body a little hard recently. I also wouldnt wanna recomp since I think I'm gonna spin my wheels pointlessly.

What do you think I should do?

from Forums - Nutrition

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