Fasting good or bad

I’m trying to get back on the fat loss programme and started off with a 24 hour fast (only drank water) the next day I stuck to my 1800 cals throughout the next 2 weeks, I am losing weight!

On valentine’s my mrs wanted a Chinese so I ate that felt a bit sick and so I fasted for 36 hours (only drank water)

Yesterday I had some pizza and have fasted again for over 24 hours again.

Each time I finish fasting I go back to my normal 1800 cal diet.

My thought process is if I’m having a “cheat meal” of 1000+ cals if I don’t eat the next day then that will make up for it and by the end of the week I won’t be over my calories.

Is this a good or bad thing to do? I have felt a little dizzy a couple of times and am generally colder when I’m fasting but other than that I can go about my daily business and have trained after not eating for 32 hours and managed.

from Forums - Nutrition


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