Broke leg :( Need some diet advice

Well $hit happens and I broke my tibia clean and shattered my fibula, so am pretty immobile for the next 3-6 months. I was currently on a slow clean bulk, but have a very high metabolism and do a lot of cardio sports along w 3x Fierce 5x5, so often find it hard to put on weight in general. Now that my leg is broken, that all changes.

The break was pretty complex, so doc said I'd be bedridden for 2 weeks. Makes sense as every time I stand the blood rush to my leg feels like poison. After 2 weeks, he said I'd be able to walk w 50% of normal weight, then another 10% every week after. 1 month til I can walk normal w/o crutches but prob w a cain. Not until 3 months will I be able to go on light runs.

So yea, this is guna suck, and last thing I want to do is get fat.

162 lbs
Age: 31
Normal macro split: 40% carb, 30% protein and 30% fats
Maintenance: 2600 cals

What kind of diet should I switch to to retain muscle in my upper body but not gain a ton of weight. I need good healthy fats to improve some of the knee joints that were impacted, but luckily not torn. Obviously protein needs to be abundant, but if I'm literally couch ridden, do I need 150+ g of protein esp these first 2 weeks? Should I avoid carbs altogether or just make sure I get them from healthy vegetables w lots of calcium, iron and fiber?

I've done a bunch of research and most sites are for the average lazy American, not someone as active of a lifestyle as me. It would be great if one of you nutrition experts could point me in the right direction.

Thanks a bunch in advance!

from Forums - Nutrition

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