Difference of a surplus in bulking

Hey guys, recently I started bulking. First thing I did was I calculated my maitainance calories in various websites and based on my weight, height and activity level it was around 2900-3000 kcal per day.

Question - is there a big difference in a small surplus (100-200kcal) vs big surplus (500+kcal) in terms of strength and muscle size increase. I'm thinking of going for a small surplus to lean bulk but I'm not sure if it will be optimal.

I'm a beginner lifter, current stats : 6'4, 193 pounds, squat 155 x 12, bench press 135 x 10, romanian deadlift 200 x 10, bent over rows 125 x 10, pull ups bodyweight x 8, ohp 95lbs x 10.

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/3o6BM6J

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