I am giong back to a deficit

I am just going to post this here to see what people think.

I am going back to a deficit for multiple reasons but mainly because of health reasons. Eating in a calorie surplus is costly, inconvenient and leads to laziness and lack of energy. Not to mention having to make compromises in diet, such as eating junk food more often than you should. If you have a very high metabolism and good digestion it might work for you, but for me it's just not worth it.

Also I know that muscle can be gained on a deficit. I think the more important thing when being on a deficit is making sure you have energy to train. That is the hardest part about it but for me it's not a problem.

My goal is to build strength but I know that some muscle is also built especially if you're a beginner (which I am).

Here is how I reasoned about this. If I train at the gym my muscles will get stronger. Next time I go in I will be able to lift heavier or do more reps. This means I am gaining strength and/or muscle, there's no other reason for me being able to apply progressive overload.

Therefore, as long as I can stay consistent in my training, I will be making gains in some way shape or form.

What do you guys think?

Note; I am not interested in getting big just getting stronger and healthier. I don't think anyone other than other male bodybuilders care about how big someone is. Even women don't care, as long as one has a good physique. Beauty doesn't equate to being big.

from Bodybuilding.com Forums - Nutrition https://ift.tt/sZS6bfP


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