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Government launches chemotherapy services at 30 ESIC hospitals

The government has launched in-house chemotherapy services at 30 ESIC hospitals across the country, according to an official statement. Union Minister for Labour & Employment Bhupender Yadav on Thursday launched the chemotherapy services during the 191st meeting of the ESI Corporation at ESIC headquarters in New Delhi.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Torrent in top gear to close out Cipla buyout, in talks with PEs, banks for funds

Rival contenders Blackstone, Baring Asia hit pause mode as Cipla valuations soar. Torrent taps PE funds like Warburg Pincus, CVC among others to raise around $1 bn before submitting binding offer by early October.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Fish Face Off #11

Spotted sea bass


White sea bass

Round 2: Albacore tuna 6-2, Hump Day bass 6-2, Rod 5-3, Mixed Grill II 4-2, Barracuda 5-1, Tag Team 1 5-3, Invisible bass 4-1, Big fish 4-1, Nice pair 1 7-1, Canada fish 5-2

Fish points:

-- Camarija +++++ +++
----- DougyF7 ++++
-- faithbrah +++++ ++
---- gbullock32 ++++
-- paulinkansas +++++ +++
Strawng +
- SuperHippo +++++ +++
- TearsOfIce +++++
- TolerantLactose +++++ +

from Forums - Nutrition

Govt invites EoIs for IMPCL strategic sale

The Indian government has invited bids for the strategic sale of Indian Medicines Pharmaceutical Corporation Ltd (IMPCL), in which it holds a 98.11% stake. The remaining 1.89% is held by Kumaon Mandal Vikas Nigam Ltd (KMVNL). The government plans to disinvest its entire stake in IMPCL through strategic disinvestment with a transfer of management control. IMPCL is a profit-making organization that manufactures ayurvedic and unani medicines and supplies them to all states under the National Ayush Mission.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Here's how menopause and insomnia affect your heart

A new study published in the Journal of the American Heart Association has said that about 1 in 4 women may develop irregular heart rhythms after menopause, with stressful life events and poor sleep being leading factors.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

World's First: England introduces 7-min cancer treatment injection

The National Health Service (NHS) England has introduced an innovative anti-cancer injection capable of drastically reducing cancer treatment duration. This revolutionary jab has the potential to curtail treatment time for specific patients by a remarkable 75%.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Maintenance/Surplus calories for bulking

Alright so i've got some queries regarding this, as Im in week 12 of my bulk and anticipating it'll end around a month from now.

My Maintenace according to MyFitnessPal is 2,740 and that's by selecting Lightly active - I then add in x5 workouts per week. Which is how i get the 2,740 Maintenace
that's based off me being 94kg and 6'2''

Bulk has gone well.. i started at 91kg and im at 94kg now, only a small amount of fat gain noticed and its around my belly.

On the days where i play basketball - i have a game of approx 40 minutes and for me that burns 300-400 calories, with the paramaters ive set in myfitnesspal gaining .500g per week from 3,300. The days where i play basketball AND do a gym session, i'll eat around 3,700-3,800 just to compensate.

On my off days i still have been sticking to 3,300 calories. I am considering now on those days where there is no gym, no basektball and even tho still in bulk mode for the last part of my bulk.. dropping down to 3,100 calories just to avoid any excess fat gain. The overall goal is to get to around 96-97kg and then strip a few kgs over around 12 weeks or just be in a slight deficit of 100 and close to maintenance to recomp/lose a little fat over a period of time.

Thoughts on this and how you all treat off days and slightly adjusting the calories, first time i've had to micromanage it during a bulk as ive always been lean but at the moment im sitting somewhere around 17%, i don't mind getting to 18 or 19 but i don't want to go more as the closer to 17% i can stay, the longer I can bulk.

from Forums - Nutrition

Are there many good/nutritious nonfattening foods?

Recent Fitness + Nutrition History & Goals:

It's been years since I worked in labor, and I can't afford a gym membership. So I'm not getting as much cardio exercise as I used to. From an hour once/week last year to 5 minutes of cardio at home a couple times per week this year, not counting time spent running which I've started doing this year any time I would need to go someplace on foot (even to the bathroom) just to burn some extra calories. I'm still doing about the same amount of lifting, but somehow my strength always grows without ever losing any fat even when I don't increase food consumption. If anything it makes me look fatter rather than improving the look of my physique, but the main reason I do it is for health.

A few months ago (March?) I was still quite thin, but it's really hard for me to get any visible definition. I started this intense "8 pack abs" work out I found online without changing my diet / food intake whatsoever, and in less than a month my gut was protruding to the point my pants stopped fitting. It technically did what it promised as I could feel the now noticeable larger bulges underneath the skin, 8 in fact, but it did nothing to that thin layer of fat that completely hides them making it look like I have a small pot belly.

My pants are all mid to high end slacks. So I'd prefer to lose the gut instead of crippling my savings to buy new ones. I stopped the workout immediately, but muscle is just as hard for me to lose as fat.

After months of no noticeable change it started turning into fat, and I'd hoped it would just continue dissolving away. Instead I realized I must be eating a pretty high calorie diet (around 1500 calories/day; I'm 6'/1.85m tall) for my activity level (mostly sitting all week). As more of it turned into fat, and it started growing even larger; with no change to diet nor exercise level.

I was forced to buy a couple pairs of new pants in a larger size. From 34 to 36, but I wore a 32 until I was 19 and my metabolism started to stall. However they shrunk in the wash and now fit as well as the rest of them now.

Since my metabolism stalled only cardio and reducing my food intake seems to help with keeping my body fat down. The only times in my life after that that I was able to burn off that final layer of surface fat that sits around my entire body obscuring all of my muscles was when I had no money for food and only ate like twice per week. That's never been a goal of mine since it's so unhealthy to achieve it though.

Exercise Issue:

Part of my problem is that exercising is extremely boring for me; even more so with cardio since I can't multitask while doing it without a treadmill. So I'd rather just adjust my diet to my level of activity if I can. Plus the weights I have at home are too old to safely use while doing cardio, making my cardio workouts less effective than they could be.

Even when I did sports and martial arts growing up, exercising for about an hour per day for many years (from age 7 through teens), I never once experienced a "runners high" or anything like that. I did it as part of a disciplined routine, not because I enjoyed it. After a severe back injury putting me out of it for a year when I was a young adult (luckily made a full recovery) I discovered how difficult it was to regain that discipline after it's been broken.

Diet Issues:

So I've cut my calories down to about 800/day for the last couple weeks now, but it's not making any noticeable difference, and I'm often hangry now. I'm not really sure why my body is refusing to use the fat reserves. Maybe just because I'm getting old (32) making my metabolism slow even more, along with obesity being very common in my family due to who knows how many genetic issues.

My performance has also dropped quite a bit. I can't think or move as quickly sometimes, making the important stuff take longer, and causing me to have much less free time. Most meals for me right now are like half a sandwich, a smoothie, or a fiber bar. I'll eat 1 "big" meal/day in the evening when the hunger is the worst, that being maybe a Cup of stirfried meat and vegetables for supper, a few bites of rice with a sausage, or some kind of instant/canned noodles.

I've been making things like stirfry and smoothies less and less because I lack the energy to pull out a bunch of ingredients and cook. I don't really snack, and if I do eat a snack food (e.g. a couple cookies) I count that as my meal for that time period since they have just as many calories. I'm now also behind on my workout this week.

I took multivitamins with meals a couple times since starting this when I was feeling particularly hungry in the evenings, and that seemed to offset some of the performance decline as well as help with the hunger. In the past when I couldn't afford food (like when I worked in landscaping for $20/day in my early 20s) but knew people I could get free supplements from I could survive pretty well on vitamins and a couple instant noodles per week. I even gained muscle mass despite losing body fat; after bottoming out with the initial fat loss measured weight started going up with muscle gains.

My hunger, irritability, and low energy primarily comes from vitamin and mineral needs in my experience. So I'm not worried about eating too few calories, but I can't afford daily multivitamins. I'd prefer to just eat foods with a low calorie to vitamin/mineral ratio if I can. Meat works the best for me, but it's pretty expensive too.

Cooking & Food Problems:

I also don't have very good imagination when it comes to cooking. So I'm thinking that's part of my problem. I'm good at baking, but I try not to eat any baked goods for health reasons. I do bake with stevia and gluten free flour (I'm gluten intolerant), but processed grain still isn't healthy. When I had a barbecue I grilled food often, but there's no place for one where I live now. I'll grill on the stove sometimes, but it's not as convenient.

I also have a ton of food intolerances (mostly vegetables), and it's hard to find things that don't have gluten, citrus, tomato, corn, or any of the other vegetables that give me rapid expulsions from both ends. Sneaky beets being the worst as well as rare in local cuisine almost killed me a couple times (e.g. in a fruity smoothie at a restaurant). I mostly stick to dairy, meat, fungi, the few vegetables I know I can eat (lettuce, spinach, cucumber, zucchini, potato, carrot, et cetera), seeds (including nuts and peas), and my gluten intolerance is mild compared to my vegetable intolerances so I eat a bit of glutinous grain too.

I think people die if they don't eat any grain, so I've never cut that out from my diet entirely. Though I try to minimize the processed grains and eat gluten free or potato bread instead when I can. The gluten free flour costs triple here, so baking my bread would be a luxury for me. Some vegetables like broccoli and celery don't trigger expulsion if I eat it whole/raw, but come out completely undigested. So I can tolerate a little before it gets stuck and I need medical intervention.

Unusual Food Tolerances:

I have an abnormally high tolerance for meat, and discovered when I was little that I can easily digest even raw meats and blood without suffering ill effects. Even a little of it can satisfy my hunger better than anything else. Before starting this low calorie diet about half of what I ate was meat; that's including white meat and fish meat. It's about ¼ of what I eat now.

Red meat and chicken is the easiest to get because I can buy a large slab of red meat or a whole chicken and cut the meat myself. Even though I've never had any negative effects from eating red meat (even when I ate it by the pound in my teens) I don't eat too much because it's supposedly unhealthy and I try to diversify what I eat as much as possible. White meat other than chicken as well as seafood sold whole is uncommonly sold anywhere I've shopped before. Small packages of precut fish meat and such (maybe a meal or 2) is more common, but it's going to be as much as that large slab of red meat that could last for several meals, and somehow much more expensive than just buying the whole fish whenever I can find one for sale.

I've found in the past that I could eat some unusual things I didn't expect, but nothing I can find sold at a normal grocery store. Like the stems of oxalis flowers, and insects. I'm also good with lactose, non citrus fruits (e.g. berries, banana, avocado, et cetera), and I don't have any food allergies.

So I'm hoping there's some highly nutritious stuff out there that I've never heard of that I could try. I've already tried all the normal grocery store stuff, so in order to try something new I'd have to get a store recommendation too. I know there's a ton of small market stores that cater to the pallets of foreign cultures around SoCal, but they're hard to find, and I usually have no idea if what I'm buying is going to actually be nutritious or if it could be unhealthy when I do find them.

If it's a vegetable there's a chance I won't be able to digest it, but I'll still try it if I can find a way to get some. I've tried web searches many times, but they're very rarely helpful. When they are it's usually posts from people mentioning things on forums like this one. I've read that grubs and insects are highly nutritious and actually very cheap to farm for food, but I've never found a place that sells them. Even though I think there must be some in SoCal, because food fads seem to always be in fashion.

Exercise (mostly strength based) + low calorie diet + mostly sedentary = pot belly. I have intolerances to many vegetables (see: Cooking & Food Problems), citrus, and gluten. No lactose problem, no food allergies, high tolerance for meat. I'm looking for ways to diversify my diet with highly nutritious low calorie foods.

from Forums - Nutrition

Fish Face Off #10

Canada fish


Striped bass

Round 2: Albacore tuna 6-2, Hump Day bass 6-2, Rod 5-3, Mixed Grill II 4-2, Barracuda 5-1, Tag Team 1 5-3, Invisible bass 4-1, Big fish 4-1, Nice pair 1 7-1,

Fish points:

-- Camarija +++++ ++
---- DougyF7 ++++
-- faithbrah +++++ +
--- gbullock32 ++++
-- paulinkansas +++++ ++
Strawng +
- SuperHippo +++++ ++
- TearsOfIce +++++
- TolerantLactose +++++

from Forums - Nutrition

J&J, Lupin cut prices for tuberculosis drug in lower-income countries

Johnson & Johnson and Lupin will supply their versions of the tuberculosis drug bedaquiline at a significantly cheaper price in low- and middle-income countries, according to the Stop TB Partnership. The new prices, $130 for J&J and $194 for Lupin for a six-month course of treatment, represent a 55% and 33% reduction, respectively. Bedaquiline is a key part of recommended treatment regimens for drug-resistant TB infections, and this price reduction will help broaden access to the life-saving drug.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Potential cures for snoring​

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

The effects of working from home on your mental health

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

How to increase the intensity of your daily workout

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Strides Pharma arm gets USFDA nod for generic Mycophenolate Mofetil oral suspension

Strides Pharma Science Ltd on Wednesday said its wholly-owned arm, Strides Pharma Global Pte. Ltd, Singapore, has received approval from the US health regulator for generic Mycophenolate Mofetil for oral suspension indicated in organ transplant patients to avoid rejection. The approval granted by the US Food & Drug Administration (USFDA) is for Mycophenolate Mofetil for oral suspension of strength 200 mg/ml, Strides Pharma Science said in a regulatory filing.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

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from Forums - Nutrition

Rejové Aligners acquires majority stake in 32 WATTS

The company said it aims to revolutionize orthodontic treatment options and that the strategic partnership marks a significant milestone in the advancement of digital dentistry. “With this alliance, we will be able to expand our reach in the Indian market," Captain Vikram Kumar, Co-founder of RejovĂ© Aligners, said in a statement.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

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from Forums - Nutrition

What kind of meat do you prefer the most?

I'm going on a keto diet and I want to know which out of the 3 most common types(fish, chicken, red meat) is the most sustainable and satisfying.

from Forums - Nutrition

Higher chance of dying within 1 year of Covid hospitalisation: ICMR study

The present analyses only included patients who were hospitalised due to Covid-19, and, consequently, the findings cannot be generalised to all patients who had Covid-19. Moderate-to-severe disease, being linked to post discharge all-cause mortality, indicates lingering damage due to Covid-19, it said. Some reports have claimed that the severity of pneumonia had no bearing on post-discharge mortality.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Fish Face Off #8

1 big fish


2 big fish

Round 2: Albacore tuna 6-2, Hump Day bass 6-2, Rod 5-3, Mixed Grill II 4-2, Barracuda 5-1, Tag Team 1 5-3, Invisible bass 4-1,

Fish points:

-- Camarija +++++
-- DougyF7 ++++
-- faithbrah +++++
--- gbullock32 +++
-- paulinkansas +++++
Strawng +
- SuperHippo +++++
- TearsOfIce +++
- TolerantLactose ++++

from Forums - Nutrition

Apollo to expand connected care initiative

Apollo Group on Monday said it will expand its connected care programme across the country. Apollo Connect aims to create the largest connected healthcare ecosystem in the country, empowering hospitals and nursing homes across metros and non-metros to offer holistic and superior patient care, the healthcare major said in a statement.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Newbie needs Help to get started

Hello, yes as the title suggests it i wanna start with the Bodybuilding/Fitness but i don’t know how to starts especially nutrition.

I‘m 31 years old 180cm tall and 84,5kg heavy

My biggest problem where I feel completely lost is the nutrition I’m not lazy and certainly not afraid of stop eating fast food so…

I downloaded the APPS „YAZIO and FDDB“

Duo to Google i have to calculate 2g protein for each kilogram of mine so that would be 84x 2 168g Proteine with 672 kcal
Same is Carbohydrates

And Fats would be 1g each kilogram so 84g Fats which makes 756 kcal

756 + 672 + 672 = 2100 calories
But isn’t 2100 calories not a bit less considering going to training and exercise people told me that i should eat atleast 2500 calories.

How would you train if you were in my place my goal is to have a good looking muscular body.
What do think would your trainingregiment
How much Protein, Carbohydrates, Fats calories overall would you consume?

Regards :)

from Forums - Nutrition

Venus Remedies gets marketing approval for anticoagulant drug in Saudi Arabia

Venus Remedies on Monday said it has received approval to market a drug, which prevents blood clots, in Saudi Arabia. The company has received the marketing approval for Enoxaparin in pre-filled syringes, the drug firm said in a statement on Monday.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Glenmark recalls 1,200 bottles of generic hypertension drug in US

Glenmark Pharmaceuticals is recalling 1,200 bottles of a generic drug, used to treat high blood pressure, in the American market due to a manufacturing issue, according to the US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA). The New Jersey-based arm of the drug firm is recalling 1,200 bottles of Trandolapril and Verapamil Hydrochloride extended-release tablets, as per the latest Enforcement Report of the US health regulator.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Skinnyfat Novice seeking advice.

I am a skinny guy, but I dont know how to describe my body. Due to past training habits I do have some definition in the chest and relatively broad shoulders with a little definition in the quads, but I am not your everyday skinny guy with abs. For some reason I do have all those hints that I used to train near to decent at some point, but my bodyfat isnt as low as most other skinny people have. Since I dont feel comfortable posting pics, I am not down to using that method. I would estimate myself to be in the 15-18% region. I dont have any signs of face fat, and my belly is flat but soft. But my BMI is below normal, and I dont think I can afford to cut, but with this bodyfat do you think I should be bulking either? I am really confused, and would appreciate any advice on this and also on how many calories should I be eating.

novice routines that I am currently looking into are either F5 or SS 3x5.

my body stats:
height 5 feet 9
weight between 110-120 pounds.

from Forums - Nutrition

Are you a non-technical founder in the Health and wellness space? #tryingtoreachyou #

If you are a non-technical founder in the Health and wellness space building software, I would like to hear about your struggles dealing with the backend - things like SQL, databases, cloud, or backend servers.

I am doing 15-minute customer discovery meetings as part of the NEC X accelerator, where you can tell us about your challenges, so we can understand your pain points.

People outside the US are welcome as well. Please feel free to reach out to me directly at: founder at nautilus2k dot com

from Forums - Nutrition

Concerns raised over removal of PMR specialty from undergraduate MBBS curriculum

The Indian Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation has written to the Union health minister Mansukh Mandaviya raising concerns over the removal of the specialty of physical medicine and rehabilitation from undergraduate MBBS curriculum. According to the new guidelines issued by the National Medical Commission, three departments - Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PMR), Respiratory Medicine, and Emergency Medicine - are not included in the list of departments that every medical college/institution must have.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Fish Face Off #7

White bass


Invisible bass

Round 2: Albacore tuna 6-2, Hump Day bass 6-2, Rod 5-3, Mixed Grill II 4-2, Barracuda 5-1, Tag Team 1,

Fish points:

-- Camarija ++++
-- DougyF7 ++++
-- faithbrah ++++
-- gbullock32 +++
-- paulinkansas ++++
Strawng +
- SuperHippo +++++
- TearsOfIce +++
- TolerantLactose +++

from Forums - Nutrition

Taro stake buyout to help operate its dermatology biz profitably amid enhanced competition: Sun Pharma

Sun Pharma is looking to fully acquire its Israel-based unit Taro Pharmaceutical Industries in order to integrate the dermatology business with itself and keep it profitable amid increasing competition in the segment, according to Managing Director Dilip Shanghvi. The Mumbai-based drug major has proposed to fully acquire Taro through a reverse triangular merger.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Achieving Balanced Nutrition: What You Need for a Day of Optimal Health - P2

7. Listen to Your Body:
Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues. Eat when you're hungry and stop when you're comfortably satisfied. Avoid emotional eating or eating out of boredom.

8. Plan Ahead:
Planning your meals and snacks ahead of time can help you make healthier choices and avoid grabbing convenient but less nutritious options when hunger strikes.

9. Mindful Eating:
Practice mindful eating by savoring each bite, eating slowly, and appreciating the flavors and textures of your food. This can help prevent overeating and promote enjoyment of meals.

10. Seek Professional Guidance:
If you have specific dietary needs or health goals, consider consulting a registered dietitian or nutritionist. They can provide personalized recommendations based on your individual needs and preferences.

11. Avoid Restrictive Diets:
Avoid extreme diets that cut out entire food groups or severely restrict calorie intake. Such diets can lead to nutrient deficiencies and may not be sustainable in the long term.

12. Include Physical Activity:
Nutrition goes hand in hand with physical activity. Regular exercise supports overall health, aids in weight management, and enhances mood and energy levels.

Remember, achieving enough nutrition isn't about perfection; it's about making consistent, conscious choices that nourish your body and support your health and well-being. Prioritize whole, minimally processed foods, and embrace a balanced approach to eating that enhances your quality of life.

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from Forums - Nutrition

Achieving Balanced Nutrition: What You Need for a Day of Optimal Health - P1

Nutrition is the foundation of overall well-being, providing the essential nutrients your body needs to function properly, maintain energy levels, and support growth and repair. Achieving the right balance of nutrients is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Let's explore what constitutes enough nutrition for a day and how you can make informed choices to nourish your body effectively.

1. A Variety of Nutrient-Dense Foods:
A well-balanced diet includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods from all major food groups. These include:

Fruits and Vegetables: Packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants, fruits and vegetables should make up a significant portion of your daily intake.

Whole Grains: Opt for whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, oats, and whole wheat bread. They provide complex carbohydrates and fiber for sustained energy.

Lean Proteins: Incorporate lean sources of protein such as poultry, fish, beans, lentils, tofu, and nuts. Protein supports muscle growth, repair, and overall body function.

Healthy Fats: Include sources of healthy fats like avocados, olive oil, nuts, and fatty fish. Healthy fats are essential for brain health and hormone production.

Dairy or Dairy Alternatives: Choose low-fat or unsweetened dairy products or fortified dairy alternatives for calcium and vitamin D.

2. Portion Control:
While consuming a variety of foods is important, portion control plays a critical role in maintaining a healthy weight and preventing overeating. Pay attention to portion sizes and aim to eat until you're satisfied, not overly full.

3. Hydration:
Adequate hydration is key for overall health. Aim to drink water throughout the day to support digestion, circulation, and the elimination of waste products from your body.

4. Balanced Macronutrients:
Balancing your intake of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats is essential for sustained energy and optimal function. Aim for a diet where about 45-65% of calories come from carbohydrates, 10-35% from protein, and 20-35% from fats.

5. Essential Micronutrients:
Micronutrients, including vitamins and minerals, are essential for various bodily functions. Ensure you're getting a sufficient intake of nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, B vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc.

6. Limit Added Sugars and Sodium:
Excess added sugars and sodium can contribute to health issues such as obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Limit your intake of sugary beverages, sweets, and foods high in sodium.

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from Forums - Nutrition

Fish* Face Off #6

*Fish depicted may not be actual fish.

Tag Team I


Tag Team II

Round 2: Albacore tuna 6-2, Hump Day bass 6-2, Rod 5-3, Mixed Grill II 4-2, Barracuda 5-1

Fish points:

- Camarija ++++
- DougyF7 ++++
- faithbrah ++++
-- gbullock32 ++
-- paulinkansas +++
Strawng +
- SuperHippo ++++
- TearsOfIce ++
- TolerantLactose ++

from Forums - Nutrition

ICMR study on long COVID explained: Key findings

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Fish* Face Off #5

Largemouth bass



Round 2: Albacore tuna 6-2, Hump Day bass 6-2, Rod 5-3, Mixed Grill II 4-2

Fish points:

- Camarija +++
DougyF7 ++++
- faithbrah +++
-- gbullock32 +
-- paulinkansas ++
Strawng +
- SuperHippo +++
- TearsOfIce ++
- TolerantLactose ++

from Forums - Nutrition

IHH Healthcare to acquire remaining stake in Ravindranath GE Medical Associates for Rs 740 cr

Malaysia's IHH Healthcare Bhd on Friday said it will acquire the remaining stake in hospital chain operator Ravindranath GE Medical Associates (RGE), held by Ravindranath Kancherla and his affiliates, for around Rs 740 crore. IHH Healthcare has inked the agreement to acquire the stake in RGE through its wholly-owned subsidiary Gleneagles Development.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Lupin gets USFDA nod to market generic drug for treatment of lung disease

Lupin on Friday said it has received approval from US FDA to market a generic product, used in the treatment of a lung disease, in the American market. The company has received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) to market Pirfenidone tablets in strengths of 267 mg and 801 mg, the Mumbai-based drug maker said in a statement.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Is an intra workout drink a good replacement for a pre workout meal?

I am likely to train in the mornings and I normally don't have the time to grab a meal and wait for log enough until it doesn't make me feel pukish during my workouts (and that is usually 45 mins). So I was wondering if grabbing an intra workout drink instead would do the job?

I'm thinking of mixing electrolytes with glucose in my water. Is there any better idea that y'all would like to suggest?

from Forums - Nutrition

Fish* Face Off #4

*Fish depicted may not be actual fish.

Mixed grill fish I


Mixed grill fish II

Round 2: Albacore tuna 6-2, Hump Day bass 6-2, Rod 5-3

Fish points:

- Camarija ++
DougyF7 +++
- faithbrah ++
-- gbullock32 +
- paulinkansas ++
Strawng +
- SuperHippo ++
TearsOfIce ++
- TolerantLactose ++

from Forums - Nutrition

Aurobindo puts its injectables business on the block, again

Aurobindo Pharma promoters have begun the process of selling a majority stake in its injectables business, Eugia Pharma Specialities, after negotiations with potential suitors failed to meet valuation expectations. The promoters have hired investment bank Moelis to manage the sale.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

National Medical Commission puts proposed 'generic drugs only' regulations on hold

The National Medical Commission (NMC) has suspended the newly proposed regulations that required doctors to prescribe generic drugs or face penalties. The Indian Medical Association (IMA) had urged the government to withdraw the regulations until the quality of all drugs could be assured. The NMC has now put the regulations on hold and stated that they will not be effective until further notification. The IMA also requested exemptions for professional associations and criticized the prohibition on third-party educational activities sponsored by pharmaceutical companies.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

No more painful needles: BITS scientists develop Rs 400 device that can detect diabetes through sweat

BITS Scientists have developed a portable system that uses 3D printing technology to analyze glucose and lactate levels in sweat samples. The device, which can be connected to smartphones, eliminates the need for blood samples to assess glucose levels and can detect lactate concentration using sweat samples. The researchers are currently working on a wearable version of the device.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

India's generic drug prescription mandate faces execution challenges, says Fitch

The Indian government's mandate for physicians to prescribe only generic drug names is facing challenges in execution, according to Fitch Ratings. The report suggests that a significant decline in sales of branded generics will impact the profitability of Indian pharmaceutical companies, as lower prices will outweigh the benefits of reduced marketing costs. However, Fitch believes that the new guidelines are unlikely to result in an immediate shift away from branded generics.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Torrent Pharma says US FDA issues 'EIR' for company's manufacturing facility

Torrent Pharmaceuticals on Thursday said that the US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) has issued an Establishment Inspection Report (“EIR”) for the company's manufacturing facility at Dahej, Gujarat. EIR means closure of inspection.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Fish* Face Off #3

*Fish depicted may not be actual fish

Spotted bass


No fish, just a chick gripping a big rod

Round 2: Albacore tuna, Hump Day bass

Fish points:

- Camarija +
DougyF7 ++
faithbrah ++
- gbullock32 +
- paulinkansas +
Strawng +
SuperHippo ++
TearsOfIce +
- TolerantLactose +

from Forums - Nutrition

JB Chemicals gets USFDA nod to market generic medication

JB Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals on Wednesday received approval from the US health regulator to market a generic product, used to treat mood disorders, in the American market. The company's product is the generic version of Pfizer's Sinequan capsules which are indicated for the treatment of anxiety, depression, and other target symptoms of psychoneurosis.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Torrent joins fray for Hamied family stake in Cipla, up against Blackstone and Baring PE

Torrent Pharma is reportedly vying to acquire the Hamied family's stake in Cipla, which could become the largest pharmaceutical deal since 2014. If successful, the deal could create India's second-largest drugmaker by revenue. Other potential buyers include Blackstone and Baring PE Asia-EQT. Torrent Pharma is said to be forming a consortium with private equity funds and has approached multiple lenders for funding.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Revoke 'generics only' prescription regulation, IMA writes to minister

Citing the Mashelkar Report of 2003, it went on to say that the problems in the regulatory system in the country were primarily due to inadequate or weak drug control infrastructure at the state and central levels, inadequate testing facilities, shortage of drug inspectors, non-uniformity of enforcement, lack of specially trained cadres for specific regulatory areas, and the non-existence of a data bank.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Fish* Face Off #2

*Fish depicted may not be actual fish.



Hump Day bass

Round 2: Albacore tuna,

Fish points:

- Camarija
DougyF7 +
faithbrah +
gbullock32 +
- paulinkansas
Strawng +
SuperHippo +
TolerantLactose +

from Forums - Nutrition

Novavax's updated COVID vaccine shows response against 'Eris' variant

COVID infections and hospitalizations have been rising in the United States, Europe and Asia, with more cases in recent months attributed to the EG.5 subvariant - nicknamed as "Eris" - which is a descendant of the Omicron lineage that originally emerged in November 2021.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

One billion people globally to have osteoarthritis by 2050: Lancet Study

By 2050, nearly one billion people globally are projected to be living with osteoarthritis, according to a study published in The Lancet Rheumatology journal. The study found that currently, 15% of the world's population aged 30 years or above experience osteoarthritis. The increase in cases is mainly attributed to aging, population growth, and obesity.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Glenmark settles drug pricing case with US Department of Justice

US-based Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Inc, a subsidiary of the company, has entered into a three-year deferred prosecution agreement with DOJ involving historical pricing practices by former employees relating to the generic drug pravastatin between 2013 and 2015

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times

Is the protein from nuts, cereal same as meat, fish? if not, which is more effective

Is the protein from nuts, cereal same as meat, fish? if not, which is more effective to build muscle? Thanks

from Forums - Nutrition

Call on 'generics drugs only' clause after internal talks, says govt

The Indian Medical Association (IMA) has vehemently opposed the National Medical Commission Registered Medical Practitioner (Professional Conduct) Regulations, 2023, which mandate doctors to prescribe only generic drugs. The other contentious issue discussed during the meeting was medical conferences in five-star hotels with cocktail dinners.

from Healthcare/Biotech-Industry-Economic Times