Myriad of health issues potentially caused by low Estrogen. How to raise estrogen?

The health issues I posted about here one or two years ago have continued and worsened up to this point. I went to the doctor to have my hormone levels checked to see if augmenting my testosterone levels or artificially stimulating additional testosterone production would alleviate the severe fatigue, insomnia, erectile dysfunction, muscle loss and other symptoms that I experience. It turns out that my testosterone levels (to my astonishment) were quite high (920 ng/dl). I don't understand how they can be so high given the insane amount of stress I have been under for the last few years but whatever. What was interesting was that my estrogen levels are very low relative to my testosterone levels. I believe she said it was 13 and that it should be at least double that. I knew estrogen was important...but I wasn't aware that low estrogen was capable of causing the vast majority of symptoms I've been experiencing. My calcium levels were also a bit high. She told me to stop taking all supplements that interfere with estrogen metabolism and that we should retest in 3 to 4 weeks.

My question is, is there anything I can take that will increase my estrogen levels without severely dropping my testosterone levels? I considered binging on some soy and flax food products but I would imagine that the phytoestrogens in plant foods won't have quite the same effect on my body that actual estrogen will. Can I increase aromatase without gaining fat? Any ideas are greatly appreciated. I am ready to get beyond this insomnia and to start living my life finally.

PSPS I don't see a suitable section for starting this thread. Please tell me if I missed the right place. I'll delete and repost.

from Forums - Nutrition

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