Muscle maintaining problem

Dear Guys,
I have a problem. I used to weigh 76kg with good muscle size. But all of a sudden i had a stomach issue and couldnt work out for 3 months. And I lost all the muscle. My weight went down to 69kg. I used to take one scoop of lean whey and i scoop of carbs when i was 76kg. So when i started to workout again I am stuck at 69kg. I cannot increase the size and cannot build the same amout of muscle I had when I was 76kg. I tried taking two scoops of whey and two scoops of carbs and that didnt work either. Then I tried using 4 scoops of whey just by itself and that didnt work either. I dont want to take mass gainer because it makes me fat and stomach comes out. So guys what should i be doing here? What supplement should i be taking?


from Forums - Nutrition

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